Search code examples

Clean Architecture: Where to implement pagination logic?

There is a REST API where search keyword entered by the user is used to query and get results. Sometimes, too many results are returned. I don't want to put a maximum result limit on the server side so I want to handle it on the application. In the application, I try to follow Clean Architecture. I have a fragment, a presenter, a usecase and an API client. User enters a keyword, presses search button, the keyword passed to related usecase function through presenter. Usecase gets results from API client and pass results to presenter through listener. Presenter notifies fragment so that results are displayed.

I want to show max of ten pages of results. Where should I put this control? Usecase or presenter?


  • If you will strictly make it ten pages ALWAYS, put it on your usecase because here, application business rules resides. So you don't need to pass it if your just always going to pass ten.

    But, I suggest to make it as a parameter on the presenter, to make it flexible because maybe you will have a scenario in which you want to adjust the max pages on a specific activity/fragment.