Using Polymer 1.0...
The debounce method expects the job name to be some kind of object. I get Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined
From documentation, the job name is a string. I thought the job name was just to reference the debounce object later, but I guess I am wrong.
What am I doing wrong here? Note, this is outside a custom element so that is why I am using Polymer.Base
function scrollSnap() {
Polymer.Base.debounce('foo', ()=> {
if (app.selected === 'portfolio') {
if (panel.scroller.scrollTop > 75 && panel.scroller.scrollTop < 200) {
panel.scroller.scrollTop = 400;
} else if (panel.scroller.scrollTop > 350 && panel.scroller.scrollTop < 400) {
panel.scroller.scrollTop = 0;
}, 1000)
This happens because the internal debouncer map is not initialized, so when Polymer tries to do a debouncer-name lookup, it dereferences an uninitialized/undefined array.
Since this debouncer call is being used outside a Polymer element, you'd have to manually call the setup function that would've normally been done in the element's initialization (i.e., _setupDebouncers()
for (let i=0; i<100; i++) {
Polymer.Base.debounce('foo', () => console.log('debounced'), 1000);