I have a form where the user must define the number of items to save and when you submit the form and parse it to JSON it looks like this:
"numItems": 3,
"items": [
"1" : {"A": "Foo", "B:"bar"},
"2" : {"A": "Foo", "B:"bar"},
"3" : {"A": "Foo", "B:"bar"},
And I want to validate that the number of items inside items
matches with the value of numItems
I've tried with:
$aValidations = [
"numItems" => "required|int|max:10",
"items" => "required|array|size:numItems",
But even if the number of item matches the numItems
value I get this:
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"items": ["The items must contain numItems items."]
How can I achieve this?
One way would be to write a custom validator (you can put this in your AppServiceProvider@boot method). Something like (not tested/pseudocode):
Validator::extend('coolValidatorName', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$data = $validator->getData();
return $data[$parameters[0]] == count($value)