I'm trying to define different routes using koa-router
and I'm having a hellova time getting it working.
Something like this:
const apiRouter = new KoaRouter({
prefix: '/api'
.post('/sign-in', signinMiddleware)
.get('auth-check', authCheckMiddleware)
const protectedApisRouter = new KoaRouter()
.get('/widgets', getWidgetsListMiddleware)
.post('/widgets', createWidgetMiddleware)
.get('/widgets/:widgetId', getWidgetByIdMiddleware)
.patch('/widgets/:widgetId', updateWidgetMiddleware)
I would expect that an requests to /api/widgets/*
SHOULD enter into their respective middleware, after the bodyParser
and authorizeMiddleware
middleware` run, based on the documentation here: https://github.com/alexmingoia/koa-router#nested-routers
But instead, I'm getting 404's for all of those routes. What am I doing wrong?
Apparently the above code works just fine.. but in my authorizeMiddleware
I was doing await next
instead of await next()
Too bad there isn't a way to delete questions on here.. people are now gonna come here for issues not related to my idiocy.