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EmberJS as keyword in handlebars template

I have referred to the EmberJS official guide to understand the usage of "as" keyword in handlebars template. But I find it very confusing.

What does this do, in relation to passing values to component, yield, etc?


  • If component yields some value, as keyword can be used to refer to it. I can offer following example.

    Component's file:

    import Component from '@ember/component';
     * This component just yields something
     * @module
     * @augments Ember.Component
    export default Component.extend({
         * Something to yield
        something: undefined

    Component's template's file:

    {{yield something}}


    {{#yield-something something=(hash name='Joe') as |data|}}
      Hello {{}}

    This component yields what I pass to it and then I use that as data (hash helper creates an object from passed parameters). This example could look weird, but it's short and I hope it helps. Practical usage of yield and as is to pass some object or value created by component to nested components/template. Yield are not limited to just one parameter, you can yield few values {{yield 'Hello' 'World' 123}} and then use them like this: {{#component-name as |val1 val2 val3|}}

    You can take a look how ember-leaflet uses it to pass outer layers to nested. Yield is not used in every component. In fact, if you are new to ember you may not have a need to use yield, unless you need to build complex set of components (like ember-leaflet).