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Angular-ui-tree keep nodes to their level on drag and drop

How can I prevent child nodes from becoming a top level node and also prevent parent nodes from being dropped under another parent node. I want to allow rearrangement of child nodes and parent nodes but only allow them to drop at their current level.


  • This can be done by adding a data-type attribute to the ui-tree-node element that corresponds to the level of the item. Then by checking the level of the node in the tree options accept callback.

    In view...

    <li ng-repeat="i in items" ui-tree-node data-type="top-level">

    In code...

            $scope.treeOptions = {
                accept: function(sourceNodeScope, destNodesScope, destIndex) {
                    var source = sourceNodeScope.$element.attr('data-type');
                    var dest = destNodesScope.$element.attr('data-type');
                    if (source == 'child' && dest == 'top-level'){
                        //allow child nodes to be placed under top-level nodes
                        return true;
                        return false;