Given a list of natural numbers List
I want to check if the sums of the elements of each subset are distinct. Initially I used this code
distinctSubsetSums(List,Sums) :- findall(Sum,(subset(Sub,List),sum_list(Sub,Sum)),Sums), all_distinct(Sums).
But I think there exists a better solution since with my code I found all the sums of all the possibile subsets and then I check if they are distinct. I think there is a way to check dynamically if a sum has been already calculated and then return false
without searching for all the subsets.
Can anyone help me?
subset_sums(List,Sums) :-
sum_subset([I|Is],Js,Sums0,Sums) :-
sum_subset([],Js,Sums0,Sums) :-
\+ member(Sum,Sums0),
Sums = [Sum|Sums0].