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How to model cycles between immutable class instances?

Immutable classes are great but there is one big problem i cant think of a sensible way to solve - cycles.

class Friend {
   Set<Friend> friends();

How does one model Me having You as a friend who in turn has me as a Friend back ?

IMMUTABILITY This class from the outside world should definitely be immutable. The value held internally should be constant for the purposes of equality checks.


  • [[[ Edit: Added code to demonstrate fully immutable concept ]]]

    That's why builders are so nice for immutables - they allow mutability during construction to get everything set before you "freeze" it. In this case, I guess you need a Friend builder that supports creating cycles.

    final FriendBuilder john = new FriendBuilder().setName("john");
    final FriendBuilder mary = new FriendBuilder().setName("mary");
    final FriendBuilder susan = new FriendBuilder().setName("susan");
    // okay lets build the immutable Friends
    Map<Friend> friends = FriendsBuilder.createCircleOfFriends(john, mary, susan);
    Friend immutableJohn = friends.get("john");

    Edit: Added immutable example below to demonstrate approach:

    • There was some discussion in the comments about whether an immutable version was possible.

    • Fields are final and immutable. A modifiable set is used in the constructor, but it only the unmodifiable reference is kept after construction.

    • I have another version that uses Guava ImmutableSet for a truly immutable set rather than JDK's unmodifiable wrapper. It works the same, but uses Guava's nice set builder.


    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
     * Note: potentially cycle graph - be careful of deep equals/hashCode/toString/etc.
     * Immutable
    public class Friend {
        public static class Builder {
            private final String name;
            private final Set<Builder> friends =
                new HashSet<Builder>();
            Builder(final String name) {
       = name;
            public String getName() {
                return name;
            public Set<Builder> getFriends() {
                return friends;
            void likes(final Builder... newFriends) {
                for (final Builder newFriend : newFriends)
            public Map<String, Friend> createCircleOfFriends() {
                final IdentityHashMap<Builder, Friend> existing =
                    new IdentityHashMap<Builder, Friend>();
                // Creating one friend creates the graph
                new Friend(this, existing);
                // after the call existingNodes contains all the nodes in the graph
                // Create map of the all nodes
                final Map<String, Friend> map =
                    new HashMap<String, Friend>(existing.size(), 1f);
                for (final Friend current : existing.values()) {
                    map.put(current.getName(), current);
                return map;
        final String name;
        final Set<Friend> friends;
        private Friend(
                final Builder builder,
                final Map<Builder, Friend> existingNodes) {
   = builder.getName();
            existingNodes.put(builder, this);
            final IdentityHashMap<Friend, Friend> friends =
                new IdentityHashMap<Friend, Friend>();
            for (final Builder current : builder.getFriends()) {
                Friend immutableCurrent = existingNodes.get(current);
                if (immutableCurrent == null) {
                    immutableCurrent =
                        new Friend(current, existingNodes);
                friends.put(immutableCurrent, immutableCurrent);
            this.friends = Collections.unmodifiableSet(friends.keySet());
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public Set<Friend> getFriends() {
            return friends;
        /** Create string - prints links, but does not traverse them */
        public String toString() {
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append("Friend ").append(System.identityHashCode(this)).append(" {\n");
            sb.append("  name = ").append(getName()).append("\n");
            sb.append("  links = {").append("\n");
            for (final Friend friend : getFriends()) {
                .append("     ")
                .append(" (")
            sb.append("  }\n");
            return sb.toString();
        public static void main(final String[] args) {
            final Friend.Builder john = new Friend.Builder("john");
            final Friend.Builder mary = new Friend.Builder("mary");
            final Friend.Builder susan = new Friend.Builder("susan");
              .likes(mary, susan);
               .likes(susan, john);
            // okay lets build the immutable Friends
            final Map<String, Friend> friends = john.createCircleOfFriends();
            for(final Friend friend : friends.values()) {
            final Friend immutableJohn = friends.get("john");


    Node 11423854 {
      value = john
      links = {
         susan (19537476)
         mary (2704014)
    Node 2704014 {
      value = mary
      links = {
         susan (19537476)
         john (11423854)
    Node 19537476 {
      value = susan
      links = {
         john (11423854)