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How to get log messages to display in Spock Reports?

I am using the Spock Reports extension in a Geb test. I am trying to find if there is any way to get the logging messages to display in the Spock report.

I have something roughly like this:

class SpockReportExample extends GebReportingSpec {

    def expectedVar = "5"

    when: "I click the button."

    then: "The new value is displayed."
    def value = formElement.value()
    value==expectedValue"The new value is $value")


I'd like to see the the log stating the actual value to be output in my spock report, but I can't find a way. I've tried sending the log at info, warning, debug, error, and trace levels but no luck. Is this possible?


  • If you happen to use Athaydes Spock Reports you can write messages to the report by using

    reportInfo "This is a message"


    This is possible since V1.4.0