I am using the Spock Reports extension in a Geb test. I am trying to find if there is any way to get the logging messages to display in the Spock report.
I have something roughly like this:
class SpockReportExample extends GebReportingSpec {
def expectedVar = "5"
when: "I click the button."
then: "The new value is displayed."
def value = formElement.value()
log.info("The new value is $value")
I'd like to see the the log stating the actual value to be output in my spock report, but I can't find a way. I've tried sending the log at info, warning, debug, error, and trace levels but no luck. Is this possible?
If you happen to use Athaydes Spock Reports you can write messages to the report by using
reportInfo "This is a message"
See https://github.com/renatoathaydes/spock-reports#how-to-use-it
This is possible since V1.4.0