I am trying to use tensorflows tfrecords format to store my datasets.
I managed to read in jpeg images and decode them to raw format and write them to a tfrecord file. I can then later read them using tf.decode_raw.
The problem is that this leads to huge file sizes because I am storing the images as raw. Now I have seen many tutorials and blogs saying I can store them in an encoded format and then when reading them just decode them. I can't find any example of this. I have been trying for a while but no matter what way I do it I'm getting formatting errors.
TLDR Does anyone know how to write images to a tfrecord file as jpegs and not as raw.
Thank You, David.
My writing function.
def convert(image_paths, labels, out_path):
num_images = len(image_paths)
with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(out_path) as writer:
for i, (path, label) in enumerate(zip(image_paths, labels)):
print_progress(count=i, total=num_images-1)
img = open(path, 'rb').read()
data ={'image': wrap_bytes(img),
'label': wrap_int64(label)}
feature = tf.train.Features(feature=data)
example = tf.train.Example(features=feature)
serialized = example.SerializeToString()
Convert dataset with this:
My Reading Function
def parse(serialized):
features = \
'image': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64)
parsed_example = tf.parse_single_example(serialized=serialized,
# Get the image as raw bytes.
image_raw = parsed_example['image']
# Decode the raw bytes so it becomes a tensor with type.
image = tf.image.decode_image(image_raw,channels=3)
#image = tf.decode_raw(image_raw, tf.uint8)
# The type is now uint8 but we need it to be float.
image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)
# Get the label associated with the image.
label = parsed_example['label']
# The image and label are now correct TensorFlow types.
return image, label
For writing, just open the file as a binary file (fp = open('something.jpg', 'rb')
) and .read()
its content. Store that content in the tfrecord Example
as you store the image now (i.e., as a bytes feature).
For reading, instead of doing decode_raw
, use tf.image.decode_image
and pass in the tensor you get from the sample reader.
If you post your code, I can provide better code examples, but not knowing how your code looks like this is as detailed as I can get.