I have a data file which is text format. It has 2 coloums first one is not useful that I could ignore it and second one is that what I need. The coloum has a different values on each row as string, float etc. For some calculation I need to only float members of this coloum. I followed that way, first declare a float array and read values and save the array with ">>" basic command.
Problem is when non-float row has came, reading function works as broken. It reads non-float values as "0" and save as that. It's OK but after that reads whole values as "0" even if it was a float.
Datafile.txt (example)
aa 1.1
bb 2.2
cc 3.0
dd somestring
ee 4.3
ff 4.9
Code (example)
dfile >> a >> dat[i];
ofile << dat[i]<<endl;
cout << dat[i]<<endl;
Output file (example)
I've thought two ways to solve the problem. First one is skipping non-float rows. Second one is reading row in a period. Because float values listed in a sequence.
Read a string first, then attempt to convert to a number:
std::string maybeNumber;
while (dfile >> a >> maybeNumber)
std::istringstream is(maybeNumber);
float number = 0.0f;
if (is >> number)
dat[i] = number;
(You don't want to use eof
. Everyone thinks they want to use eof
, but it's almost always not what they need. See this question for details.)