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ngx chart data with pipe

I am using a filter pipe with the ngx-charts data array. The data is filtered by 2 dates: fromDate and toDate. The pipe is working fine when filtering with dates that make the array smaller, but when I filter first with a smaller date-range and then make the range bigger again, the pipe does not work with the original array but with the already filtered array.

I have already done other pips and never came across this problem, I am not sure what is going wrong here. Maybe someone of you can help me out.


export class DateInRangePipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(obj: any[], from: Date, to: Date): any[] {
        if (obj && from && to) {
            obj.forEach(data => {
                data.series = data.series.filter((item: any) => {
                    return this.inRange(, from, to);
        return [...obj];

    inRange(date: Date, from: Date, to: Date): boolean {
        return date.getTime() >= from.getTime() &&
            date.getTime() <= to.getTime() ? true : false;

Chart.component.html part

    [results]="multi | dateinrangePipe: from: to"


  • `data.series = data.series.filter...` 

    is a reference to the original object. To break the reference a clone of the obj Array has to be made at the beginning.