Search code examples

Is it possible to project fields based on the field name in mongodb?

In a collection, the documents may contains fields like "name", "name:en", "name:de"

        name: HongKong
        name-zh: 香港
        other_tag1: value1
        other_tag2: value2
        name-en: Beijing
        other_tag1: value1
        other_tag2: value2

What I want is to list out all fields with field name contains "name". I tried with the following codes, but it seems to be stupid, and doesn't list all possible "name"s.

find = {'$or': [{'': {'$exists': 1}}, {'': {'$exists': 1}}, {'': {'$exists': 1}}]}
project = {'_id': 0, 'name': '$', 'name:zh': '$', 'name:en': '$'}
names = list(db.node.aggregate([{'$match': find}, {'$project': project}]))

And the result I want is:

    name: HongKong
    name-zh: 香港
    name-en: Beijing


  • Its possible to search field names using $objectToArray It may not a optimal solution based on data you need to search.

    $objectToArray to change the tag into array of key value pair followed by $unwind to search the keys for the input pattern and $group + $arrayToObject to return the matching key value pairs.

        {$match:{'$or': [{'': {'$exists': 1}}, {'': {'$exists': 1}}, {'': {'$exists': 1}}]}}, 
        {$match:{"tagskv.k": { $regex: /name/i }}},
        {$group:{_id:"$_id", names:{$push:"$tagskv"}}},