I am getting a cascading set of "EClassNotFound" errors in in my Delphi 2007 project. Doesn't seem to be caused by the missing Name property value as often is the case, and though adding RegisterClass(XXX) in the initialization section(s) fixes the EClassNotFound error at hand, another one follows it seemingly indefinitely.
I finally cracked open the DFM file in text editor, and it looks likely corrupted to me (lots of non-ASCII characters amidst form element names, and very "unstructured" looking when compared to what I'm used to seeing in a DFM file). (I'd post a same here but not sure that's OK, w/the non-aSCII, so will hold off).
The form loads fine, and seems to compile / syntax check OK too, but once I run it, trouble.
Going back to early versions of it in SVN, it looks like it's been in this state for some time, which makes me think that either A) the DFM file isn't my problem, or B) the Delphi form-streaming is quite fault-tolerant/robust (Bonus Question: Which is it?).
If the DFM file is the problem, and is corrupted, rolling back will have to be a roll-back WAY back, and that's gonna be expensive. Given that the IDE can still load it, is there any utility that can clean up the file?
Or, am I totally off base w/the DFM as primary suspect?
Thanks folks for the input. Forgot about the binary/text options w/DFM files, so that was helpful. It looks like the DFM itself is not corrupted.
Still having the EClassError issue though. re: It being missing property values, or referencing non-existing properties, etc., a further question: Is the class the error is given for (currently TnxSqlUpdateObject, but probably more waiting in the wings if experience thus far is consistent) usually/always the actual "culprit" class/object?
For instance, right now my main form has four references to TnxSqlUpdateObject, w/those actually dropped on the form. If I put RegisterClass(TnxSqlUpdateObject) in the initialization section, it runs fine for that EClassNotFound error but then goes on to the next one (in this case, TStringField).
I have reinstalled the NexusDB components in this case, and also built a new project using some of the components I thought might be the problem. It compiles and runs fine, UNTIL I add this other form from my real project (which, in turn, unfortunately references quite a few others).
SO, it sounds like my real issue is how to methodically diagnose and fix any and all EClassNotFound errors?
I get this error if a component is on the form, but doesn't have an entry in the form definition in the source file too. Most often when I've copied and pasted from another form. Simplest solution is to select the component, cut it, then paste it back. When you save, the component's unit will be added to the source, and when you run it again it will all be okay.