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Running SQL queries in 2sxc razor templates

I use 2sxc for reasearch projects, and statistics is the most important part of the work I do. With link and visual queries I can do 90% of the work with no hassle at all. However, there are times where I need the optimized database table (with a field - value structure), for example to do a search over multiple columns on a single run (counting the number of "yes" in all questions for example). With a little fiddle I can get this type of data with the following query:

SELECT dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Attributes.StaticName, dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Values.Value
FROM dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Values
LEFT JOIN dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Attributes
ON dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Values.AttributeID = dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Attributes.AttributeID
LEFT JOIN dbo.ToSIC_EAV_AttributesInSets
ON dbo.ToSIC_EAV_Values.AttributeID = dbo.ToSIC_EAV_AttributesInSets.AttributeID
WHERE dbo.ToSIC_EAV_AttributesInSets.AttributeSetID = <my entity SetID>;

What I don't have is the knowledge to implement this on a view code in 2sxc.

How can I output the table that this query outputs?

And if I add a simple SELECT COUNT how can I place the result in a c# var?


  • So the core question is if you want to use visual query or if you want to use c# code in your view. I recommend visual query, but otherwise it's basically standard microsoft DB objects in c# (nothing related to 2sxc).

    You can find some examples here especially the Code Example with DataTable (no DataSource) or the DataReader example. It's a bit like this:

    @using System.Configuration
    @using System.Data.SqlClient
       private SqlDataReader myReader;
       // Official place to provide data preparation. Is automatically called by 2SexyContent
       public override void CustomizeData()
             var conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Content.ConnectionName].ToString();
             var con = new SqlConnection(conString);
             var command = new SqlCommand("Select Top 10 * from Files Where PortalId = @PortalId", con);
             command.Parameters.Add("@PortalId", Dnn.Portal.PortalId);
             myReader = command.ExecuteReader();
    <div class="sc-element">
       <h1>Simple Demo using DataReader access</h1>
       <p>This demo accesses the data directly, uses a SQL parameter for the PortalId then shows the first 10 files it finds. More intro-material for direct database access in this <a href="" target="_blank">article on codeplex</a>.</p>
       <h2>The top 10 files found in this portal</h2>
             @while (myReader.Read())