I am playing with the nltk module in Python 2.7. Following is my code
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
listsyn1 = []
listsyn2 = []
for synset in wn.synsets('dog', pos=wn.NOUN):
print synset.name()
for lemma in synset.lemmas():
for synset in wn.synsets('paw', pos=wn.NOUN):
print synset.name()
for lemma in synset.lemmas():
countsyn1 = len(listsyn1)
countsyn2 = len(listsyn2)
sumofsimilarity = 0;
for firstgroup in listsyn1:
for secondgroup in listsyn2:
sumofsimilarity = sumofsimilarity + firstgroup.wup_similarity(secondgroup)
averageofsimilarity = sumofsimilarity/(countsyn1*countsyn2)
I get the error "AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'wup_similarity'" when I try to run this code. Thank you for help.
The similarity measures can only be accessed by the Synset
objects not Lemma
nor lemma_names
(i.e. str
dog = wn.synsets('dog', 'n')[0]
paw = wn.synsets('paw', 'n')[0]
print(type(dog), type(paw), dog.wup_similarity(paw))
<class 'nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.Synset'> <class 'nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.Synset'> 0.21052631578947367
When you get the .lemmas()
and access the .names()
attribute from the Synset
object, you are getting str
dog = wn.synsets('dog', 'n')[0]
print(type(dog), dog)
print(type(dog.lemmas()[0]), dog.lemmas()[0])
print(type(dog.lemmas()[0].name()), dog.lemmas()[0].name())
<class 'nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.Synset'> Synset('dog.n.01')
<class 'nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.Lemma'> Lemma('dog.n.01.dog')
<class 'str'> dog
You can use the hasattr
function to check what objects/types can access a certain function or attribute:
dog = wn.synsets('dog', 'n')[0]
print(hasattr(dog, 'wup_similarity'))
print(hasattr(dog.lemmas()[0], 'wup_similarity'))
print(hasattr(dog.lemmas()[0].name(), 'wup_similarity'))
Most probably, you want a similar function to https://github.com/alvations/pywsd/blob/master/pywsd/similarity.py#L76 which maximizes the wup_similarity
across two synsets but note that there are many caveats like pre-lemmatization that is necessary.
So I think that's where you want to avoid it by using the .lemma_names()
. Perhaps, you can do this:
def ss_lnames(word):
return set(chain(*[ss.lemma_names() for ss in wn.synsets(word, 'n')]))
dog_lnames = ss_lnames('dog')
paw_lnames = ss_lnames('paw')
for dog_name, paw_name in product(dog_lnames, paw_lnames):
for dog_ss, paw_ss in product(wn.synsets(dog_name, 'n'), wn.synsets(paw_name, 'n')):
print(dog_ss, paw_ss, dog_ss.wup_similarity(paw_ss))
But most probably the results are un-interpretable and unreliable since there's no word sense disambiguation going up prior to synset look up bot in the outer and inner loop.