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Error when creating ACL in Cloud Code: invalid permission type


Setting an ACL with a role permission fails sometimes because the role's name is interpreted as the permission type.

The setup

In a Cloud Code function, I create an ACL object and use setRoleReadAccess to grant read access to a role:

const roleName = 'foo'; // this string is actualy calculated, but always non-nil and non-empty
const acl = new Parse.ACL();
acl.setRoleReadAccess(roleName, true);

Then I set that ACL to a new (unsaved) object:

const myObject = new MyObject()

The error

The setACL call causes an exception with the error message Tried to create an ACL with an invalid permission type. which seems strange since I didn't provide a custom permission type.

What I tried so far

  • I tried to set the role as a Role object instead of a string, but that didn't make a difference.
  • After some debugging I found that the error originates in ParseACL.js (line 85), where the permission string must either match read or write; however, in my case that string matches the role name (in the example above "foo").

I have similar ACL/role code in other parts of my app, so I'm sure this should work. Now I'm looking for hints -- what might cause the weird behavior that the role name is interpreted as permission type -- and tips on how to further debug this issue.

(Using parse-server version 2.3.3 and node.js 6.4.0; I'm currently locked to that Parse version.)


  • The issue was caused by having global.Parse = require('parse/node') in a global Mocha test setup file; when running all integration tests (> 300 tests, taking about 4 minutes) this caused some weird effects like the mentioned Tried to create an ACL with an invalid permission type, but also You cannot use [object Object] as a query parameter; both errors only occurred when the runtime was under heavy load and running all tests -- just running a single test never produced any errors.

    Details in this Github issue.