I have a search function in my app but it does not recognise any umlaut (ä,ö,ü). I use UISearchController. How do I adjust the code that it recognises umlaut?
($0.title as AnyObject).contains(self.searchController.searchBar.text!.lowercased())
This works fine for me. I would sanity check your strings in lldb.
func search() {
let stringWithDiaeresis = "Reënter"
let stringWithoutDiaeresis = "Reenter"
let searchStringWithDiaeresis = "Reë"
let searchStringWithoutDiaeresis = "Ree"
if stringWithDiaeresis.contains(searchStringWithDiaeresis) {
print("Range of Reë detected in Reënter")
if stringWithDiaeresis.contains(searchStringWithoutDiaeresis) {
print("Range of Reë detected in Reenter")
if stringWithoutDiaeresis.contains(searchStringWithDiaeresis) {
print("Range of Reë detected in Reenter")
if stringWithoutDiaeresis.contains(searchStringWithoutDiaeresis) {
print("Range of Ree detected in Reenter")
/* Prints the following:
Range of Reë detected in Reënter
Range of Ree detected in Reenter
if (stringWithDiaeresis as AnyObject).contains(searchStringWithDiaeresis) {
print("Reënter contains Reë")
if (stringWithDiaeresis as AnyObject).contains(searchStringWithoutDiaeresis) {
print("Reënter contains Ree")
if (stringWithoutDiaeresis as AnyObject).contains(searchStringWithDiaeresis) {
print("Reenter contains Reë")
if (stringWithoutDiaeresis as AnyObject).contains(searchStringWithoutDiaeresis) {
print("Reenter contains Ree")
/* Prints the following:
Reënter contains Reë
Reenter contains Ree
If your intention is to match strings with diacritics to those without, you're going to need to sanitize your data and remove diacritics from everything.
if stringWithDiaeresis.localizedStandardContains(searchStringWithoutDiaeresis) {
print("Reënter contains Ree")
/* Prints the following:
Reënter contains Ree
The moral of the story here is that you really ought to be using the specialized/more sophisticated methods available to String types instead of generic contains().