After update to Abp 2.3 my tenant creation is not working anymore.
The exception is been throwing when the roles are created:
//We are working entities of new tenant, so changing tenant filter
using (CurrentUnitOfWork.SetTenantId(tenant.Id))
//Create static roles for new tenant
CheckErrors(await _roleManager.CreateStaticRoles(tenant.Id)); <-- Here
The exception:
Exception thrown: 'Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException' in
Additional information: [At least one of these permissions must be granted]
I didn't change the TenantAppService that came from Module Zero, but if I remove the AbpAuthorize from class it works.
[AbpAuthorize(PermissionNames.Pages_Tenants)] //If removed works
public class TenantAppService : SeducaAppServiceBase, ITenantAppService
The problem was AbpCache.
What I need to do is restart the app (cleaning everything) or call the api method (api/AbpCache/ClearAll)
It's solves all my problems with permissions