I would like to use a shared library (with python ctypes) which expects that some symbols are defined in the program that uses this shared library.
In the following example, var
is defined in test.c
, while nm libadd.so
shows that var
is undefined;
/* libadd.c */
#include <stdio.h>
extern int var;
int add(int a, int b) {
return (a + b + var);
gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic libadd.c
gcc -shared -o libadd.so libadd.o
/* test.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libadd.h"
int var = 1;
int main(void) {
printf("%d", add(1,2));
return 0;
gcc -L/path/to/libadd -Wall -o test test.c -ladd
Similarly, how to do this with python ctypes;
# test.py
from ctypes import *
#what to do to define var?
sharedlib = CDLL("sharedlib/libadd.so", mode = RTLD_GLOBAL)
print( sharedlib.add(1,2) )
OSError: sharedlib/libadd.so: undefined symbol: var
One possibility is to create a seperate shared library to define var
and load this before libadd.so
/* resolve.c */
int var = 1;
gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic resolve.c
gcc -shared -o resolve.so resolve.o
from ctypes import *
sharedlib = CDLL("sharedlib/resolve.so", mode = RTLD_GLOBAL)
sharedlib = CDLL("sharedlib/libadd.so", mode = RTLD_GLOBAL)