Is it any simple way to get the EBS volume id for particular drive letter/label?
I am doing this which is just giving the volume IDs but not able to figure out how to get drive letters.
# Get Instance ID from the EC2 metadata web service
$instanceID = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
# Get a collection of all volumes attached to the instance
$volumes = @(get-ec2volume) | ? { $_.Attachments.InstanceId -eq $instanceID}
# Get a collection of each volume's ID property
$volumeNames = $volumes | %{$_.attachment.device}
Actually, I wanted to tag the ebs volume with particular ec2 instance name: and drive letter.
Finally figured out. This script will iterate over all the EBS volumes and add a tag to EBS according to its Disk label. You can modify it, as per your need (refer bottom if-else blocks). The EC2 needs to have proper IAM role to call the New-Ec2 tag API.
Start-Transcript -Path C:\cfn\log\Tag-EBS-Volumes.ps1.txt -Append
# Create a hash table that maps each device to a SCSI target
$Map = @{"0" = '/dev/sda1'}
for($x = 1; $x -le 25; $x++) {$Map.add($x.ToString(), [String]::Format("/dev/xvd{0}",[char](97 + $x)))}
for($x = 78; $x -le 102; $x++) {$Map.add($x.ToString(), [String]::Format("/dev/xvdc{0}",[char](19 + $x)))}
Try {
# Use the metadata service to discover which instance the script is running on
$InstanceId = (Invoke-WebRequest '').Content
$AvailabilityZone = (Invoke-WebRequest '').Content
$Region = $AvailabilityZone.Substring(0, $AvailabilityZone.Length -1)
# Get the list of volumes attached to this instance
$BlockDeviceMappings = (Get-EC2Instance -Region $Region -Instance $InstanceId).Instances.BlockDeviceMappings
Write-Host "Could not access the AWS API, are your credentials loaded?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDrive | %{
$Drive = $_
# Find the partitions for this drive
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition | Where-Object {$_.Antecedent -eq $Drive.Path.Path} | %{
$D2P = $_
# Get details about each partition
$Partition = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DiskPartition | Where-Object {$_.Path.Path -eq $D2P.Dependent}
# Find the drive that this partition is linked to
$Disk = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition | Where-Object {$_.Antecedent -in $D2P.Dependent} | %{
$L2P = $_
# Get the drive letter for this partition, if there is one
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Where-Object {$_.Path.Path -in $L2P.Dependent}
$BlockDeviceMapping = $BlockDeviceMappings | Where-Object { $_.DeviceName -eq $Map[$Drive.SCSITargetId.ToString()] }
If( $Disk.VolumeName -eq "") {
$tagvalue= "$env:COMPUTERNAME-Root"
} ElseIf ($Disk.VolumeName -eq "ABC" )
$tagvalue= "$env:COMPUTERNAME-ABC"
}ElseIf ($Disk.VolumeName -eq "DEF" )
$tagvalue= "$env:COMPUTERNAME-DEF"
$tagvalue= ""
New-EC2Tag -Resources $BlockDeviceMapping.Ebs.VolumeId -Tags @{ Key = "Name"; Value = $tagvalue } # Add volume name tag that matches VolumeId