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How to get a video stream encoded in H.264 to play in a "WebView"?

I have a remotely hosted webpage with an html5 video player that streams H.264-encoded video. I need to embed this page (not open externally in a browser) in my Android Activity. The latest Android System Webview (ver 63.0) doesn't support H.264 encoding nor does Crosswalk's Webview (matching my hardware architecture). What are my options?


  • Updated answer

    After some digging, it seems that the webview in Android does indeed have issues supporting h.264. This is because it is based on Chromium which does not include h.264 support by default (long history involving patents etc).

    The most common recommendation at the moment appears to be to build your own Chromium web view, with the build options/flags to include h.264.

    This is a know limitation with Chrome and there is an open bug listed here at the time of writing:

    The differences between Chrome and Chromium are well documented elsewhere, but one of the key points in this context is that Chromium is completely open source so avoids including proprietary components, and this is why the licensed H.264 codec is not included.

    Original answer with corrections

    [Unless something has just changed, the standard Android web view should support] Android devices and the Android chrome browser generally support h.264 video (so long as the profile and settings are within the set the device supports - testing with baseline profile initially is a safe way to start). However, the Android Webview, which is Chromium based, does not support h.264 at the time of writing.

    The default set of supported video formats is available here:

    There are known/reported WebRTC and h.264 issues in Android web views but the consensus is that this is webRTC related, AFAIK - see:!topic/android-webview-dev/hVZdHK6MKfI