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How to convert the hexadecimal data into plain text or human readable text?

I want to convert the given hexadecimal text to plain text or human readable text.For that case i used many of online converters but i am unable to convert it.Though i got some output but that is not in human readable format.

Here example. input: 8d02ca2f362e103bb410946c29d1

converted o/p : ��6.;��l)


  • The � question mark characters in the converted text look like your input text is ASCII, not unicode. If your input text is converted to unicode, that may get rid of the � characters that appear in the converted text.

    There are many programming calculators in all platforms that can convert hexadecimal to other numerical bases. You are using Ubuntu, so I will demonstrate how to convert hexadecimal to other numerical bases on Ubuntu's built-in Calculator application and also in the terminal using the built-in bc program.

    Calculator app

    1. Open the Calculator application and from the Calculator toolbar select Mode -> Programming Mode.

    2. Copy your input hexadecimal number into the console, select Hexadecimal from the dropdown menu under the console, and press the = key on the calculator.


    3. The input number will be shown in the console in bold text to indicate that it is ready to be converted. Select a new base from the base dropdown menu and the result will be shown in the console in bold text.



    To convert hexadecimal to decimal, set ibase (input base) to 16 in the following command:

    echo "ibase=16; hex-number"|bc # replace hex-number with any hexadecimal number  

    To convert decimal to hexadecimal, set obase (output base) to 16 in the following command:

    echo "obase=16; decimal-number"|bc # replace decimal-number with any decimal number