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WCF request operation timeout

I created a WCF service; when I try to consume any methods in the WCF service I am getting the below error:

"This request operation sent to net.tcp:// did not receive a reply within the configured timeout (00:00:09.9687490). The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout. This may be because the service is still processing the operation or because the service was unable to send a reply message. Please consider increasing the operation timeout (by casting the channel/proxy to IContextChannel and setting the OperationTimeout property) and ensure that the service is able to connect to the client."

I have set all the timeout properties (OpenTimeout, CloseTimeout, SendTimeout and ReceiveTimeout) with high values.

This error occurs if there is a .NET framework 4.0 on the machine, while if I install the .NET framework 4.5.2 everything works correctly.

What could be the problem?


  • I found the problem and his solution! To solve the issue I set the MaxItemsInObjectGraph = int.MaxValue in server and client side. Evidently in the .NET 4.0 framework the default value is set lower than the .NET framework 4.5.2.