I'm currently trying to find the best way (in term of usability and performance) when dealing with a situation like fetching records tagged with a specific tag, or category, or something like that.
A good way (the way I wanted to do), would be to fetch records with the tag/category slug, so the URL would look like :
fetching records by slug, which looks better than :
fetching by ID and adding the slug behind so it's more search-engine friendly. This one is better performance-wise, because fetching data by an integer ID would be faster than a string. (cmiiw)
Now, with a db schema like :
posts post_to_tags tags
----- ------------ ----
id id id
title post_id name
content tag_id slug
... ...
am I doing it right ? Is there pitfall or best-practices that I need to know to avoid performance problems ? (eg. tags should not exceed 10,000 records, or tag slug should not exceed n characters, or something else)
Thanks in advance.
With the first URL style and your current db design, you can do this:
select ...
from posts p
join posts_to_tags pt on pt.post_id = p.post_id
join tags t on t.id = pt.tag_id
where t.slug = [url slug value];
As long as tags.slug is indexed, this should be very efficient, hardly any different from
select ...
from posts p
join posts_to_tags pt on pt.post_id = p.post_id
where pt.tag_id = [url tag ID];