I have an AngularJS project that uses Angular Bootstrap and I use the Angular-xeditable library for some edit-in-place fields in a table.
One of the inputs I have is a "select" input, i.e. a drop-down list that allows a user to select one option. (editable-select in xeditable). I am trying to make this input mandatory when saving the form, but I cannot find a way to do this. Similar to all the x-editable controls I would expect that I can simply add an e- prefix to the standard angular directive to apply that directive to the xeditable control, that is, I should be able to add e-ng-required="true" to my control to make it mandatory. Yet this does not work. I do not get any errors when I add this, but it doesn't "do" anything. I can still save my form without selecting an item.
The following is a code sample of what I'm trying to do:
<form editable-form name="tableform" onaftersave="saveSubmissions()" oncancel="cancel()">
<!--Define table headings and columns...-->
<!--Define an ng-repeat to display each row-->
<tr ng-repeat="currentRow in dataRows">
<!--Add some columns for the row-->
<!--Add the select/drop-down column pertaining to this question-->
<span editable-select="currentRow.vendorID" e-ng-options="x.vendorId as x.name for x in vendors" e-form="tableform" e-ng-required="true">
<!--Add some more columns for each row-->
Even though I've set e-ng-required="true" on the element, it does nothing. How can I make the selection of an item mandatory using xeditable? I have searched for examples but couldn't find anything helpful.
Unfortunately required doesn't work with form validators as stated in the following links
Required field validation is not working
Validation field form using tag "form" with angular-xeditable
You have to manually check and set the validity of input onbeforesave and set validity of input element.
<span editable-select="currentRow.vendorID" e-ng-options="x.vendorId as x.name for x in vendors" e-form="tableform" e-name="vendor" onbeforesave="checkValidity()">
$scope.checkValidity = function(){
$scope.tableform.$setValidity("vendor", true);
$scope.tableform.$setValidity("vendor", false);