I have a custom UserControl like this (Its name is TP1CustomListView):
I used a TableLayoutPanel with 2 columns to hold a picture (on the first column) and another TableLayoutPanel (on the second column). The TableLayoutPanel in the second column has 3 rows to hold 3 TextBox.
I wrote a Click event for the PictureBox in UserControl like this:
public new event EventHandler Click
add { picbox.Click += value; }
remove { picbox.Click -= value; }
In Form1 I have 10 UserControls like the picture I attached to the top of the topic. I have written a Click event for all UserControl in my Form1. I tried to cast the sender of each UserControl on Click to get 3 value of 3 TextBox inside that UserControl. But the result I got is "NULL".
This is my code for Click event:
public Form1()
foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
TP1CustomListView ctLV = c as TP1CustomListView;
if (ctLV != null)
ctLV.Click += ctLV_Click;
void ctLV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TP1CustomListView customView = sender as TP1CustomListView;
MessageBox.Show(customView.subtbTitle.Text + customView.subtbContent.Text + customView.subtbFooter.Text);
This is constructor and sub-controls in my TP1CustomListView (UserControl):
//sub controls
public PictureBox subPicbox;
public TextBox subtbTitle;
public TextBox subtbContent;
public TextBox subtbFooter;
public TP1CustomListView()
subtbTitle = txtTitle;
subtbContent = txtContent;
subtbFooter = txtFooter;
subPicbox = picbox;
tableLayoutPanel1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Hope everyone can give me some advice or any solution to my issue. Thank you!
You should handle the PictureBox's click event inside the user control, and raise a click event from the UserControl when that happens.
Inside your user control you should have something like this:
picturebox.Click += picturebox_click;
private void picturebox_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var handler = this.Click;
if(handler != null)
handler(this, e);
That way, your click on the picturebox triggers a click on the user control, and that click is what you actually listen for in your form.