While searching google, we see a lot of images with a text overlay effect that claim these images are coming from shutterstock.com.
This text effect is something like the following:
I am wondering how can I use ImageMagick cli to do something similar?
Thank you very much for any help.
Hi fmw42, thank you :) How can I add a big X like shutterstock.com?
Draw two diagonal lines between the corners.
Input (tile_aqua_500.jpg) :
In Imagemagick 6 Unix system:
ww=$(convert -ping "$infile" -format "%[fx:w-1]" info:)
hh=$(convert -ping "$infile" -format "%[fx:h-1]" info:)
convert "$infile" \
-fill "graya(100%,0.75)" \
-draw "line 0,0 $ww,$hh line $ww,0 0,$hh" -alpha off \
-fill "graya(50%,0.25)" \
-strokewidth 1 -stroke "graya(100%,0.25)" \
-gravity center -font arial -pointsize 48 \
-annotate +0+0 "Hello World" tile_aqua_500_text_x.jpg
In Imagemagick 7 Unix system:
magick "$infile" \
-fill "graya(100%,0.75)" \
-draw "line 0,0 %[fx:w-1],%[fx:h-1] line %[fx:w-1],0 0,%[fx:h-1]" -alpha off \
-fill "graya(50%,0.25)" \
-strokewidth 1 -stroke "graya(100%,0.25)" \
-gravity center -font arial -pointsize 48 \
-annotate +0+0 "Hello World" tile_aqua_500_text_x.jpg
Result of either command: