I am trying to implement datatable of primeng. In which, I have created an array of header, field and options, i.e.: headersList.
It is as shown below:
header: "Time",
field: "time",
options: "timeOptions"
}, {
header: "Date",
field: "date",
options: "dateOptions"
}, {
header: "Table No.",
field: "table_no",
options: "tableOptions"
I am passing this array to 'p-column' like this:
<p-column *ngFor="let head of headersList" [field]="head.field" [header]="head.header" [filter]="true" filterPlaceholder="search" filterMatchMode="in">
<ng-template pTemplate="filter" let-col>
<p-multiSelect [options]="head.options" defaultLabel="Search" (onChange)="dt.filter($event.value,col.field,col.filterMatchMode)"></p-multiSelect>
But it's not working. I need to add options field of headersList to options of p-multiselect
Issue is you are not passing options as array
Here , This field :
options: "timeOptions"
Should look like
options: [
{label: 'White', value: 'White'},
{label: 'White1', value: 'White1'}
So, After changes your json should look something like :
header: "Time",
field: "time",
options: [
{label: 'White', value: 'White'},
{label: 'White1', value: 'White1'}
}, {
header: "Date",
field: "date",
options: [
{label: 'White', value: 'White'},
{label: 'White1', value: 'White1'}
}, {
header: "Table No.",
field: "table_no",
options: [
{label: 'White', value: 'White'},
{label: 'White1', value: 'White1'}
As per the comment on your question , If this is the code you are implementing
label: element.appointment_time,
value: element.appointment_time
label: element.appointment_date,
value: element.appointment_date
this options: "timeOptions"
should look like options: timeOptions
(without double quotes for all options key)