We have multiple version of SQL Server (2016, 2012), Unfortunately, STRING_ESCAPE
is only working in 2016 as it was introduced in that version. I am getting following error while I execute the same query in SQL Server 2012.
SELECT STRING_ESCAPE(description, 'json')
FROM SomeTable
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1
'STRING_ESCAPE' is not a recognized built-in function name.
Is there any alternative to STRING_ESCAPE
for SQL Server 2012?
No directly built-in function, but you could quite easily create your own function, where you have a table with characters to replace, and their encoding. You could even add a column for json, xml, whatever. The function would then take the data to replace, do a REPLACE
and return the "altered" string:
CREATE TABLE dbo.tb_StringEncoding
StringToReplace nvarchar(10),
StringReplacement nvarchar(10),
EncodingType nvarchar(25)
(EncodingType, StringToReplace)
INSERT INTO dbo.tb_StringEncoding(StringToReplace, StringReplacement, EncodingType)
VALUES ( '"', '\"', 'json')
, ('\', '\\', 'json')
, ('/', '\/', 'json')
, ('{', '\{', 'json')
, ('}', '\}', 'json');
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_String_Escape(@StringToEscape nvarchar(max), @Encoding nvarchar(10))
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @s nvarchar(max);
SELECT @StringToEscape = REPLACE(@StringToEscape, StringToReplace, StringReplacement)
FROM dbo.tb_StringEncoding
WHERE EncodingType = @Encoding;
RETURN @StringToEscape
-- an example how to use it:
DECLARE @description nvarchar(256) = 'Hello \ What are you / waiting for'
SELECT dbo.fn_String_Escape(@description, 'json')
The above is just an example, you'd probably have to include control characters etc., in your table above and then in the function loop through the string to replace - but at least this is a start.