Hi Guy's I'm new to programming Android device's I do have python, java, C#, C, C++, PHP, Bash and Visual Basic Experience but I'm new to this block programming, and I haven't done much work with forms. I'm trying to get make an application that posts data to an external IP. I have successsfully wrote a server and a windows based client, clicking buttons in my windows client posts data to the ip port 9999. This is just in the testing phase to remote control a bunch of beaglebone gpio's. So far I've had great success with the windows side. In app inventor for android, However, I've created a series of buttons and tabs, different buttons post text or post and poll for response. The problem I have is that I can directly attach the web connector to but when I add in the port 9999 it tells me the address is incorrect. The method I'm using is
when Screen1.initialize
do set Web1.Url to ""
when Button1.Click
do call Web1.PostText
text > 0
Again, if I type in just the IP of the beaglebone I see its ethernet port go crazy when I click button1. It does nothing when I add in the port. Of course my server is running on 9999 since port 80 is reserved for the internet. Any suggestions?
I would like to suggest you a two-step solution.
Step 1:
Problem>>Develop an android app which is capable to communicate via TCP-IP.
Solution>> I hope you are familiar with MIT-APP Inventor-2. Import an extension called ClientSocket extension V0.4.3 available here to app. Thanks to the developer of the extension.
Step 2:
Problem>>A server responding client request.
Solution>> I have written a Python code.
import socket # Import socket module
s = socket.socket() # Create a socket object
host = socket.gethostname() # Get local machine name
port = 9000 # Reserve a port for your service.
s.bind((host, port)) # Bind to the port
print (host)
while True:
c, addr = s.accept() # Establish connection with client.
print data
Hope this will help.