I am trying to run the sample AWS-Lex-Web-UI from the https://github.com/awslabs/aws-lex-web-ui#sample-site
As per the directions i am able to create the cognito pool id and also saved in the chatbot-ui-loader-config.json and tried with npm start. Server started at localhost:8000 but i am not able to run any one of the bot command.
Does anybody already implemented in the WEB-UI part using the sample example. I want to export my bot from AWS-LEX to any one of the local server.
"cognito": {
"poolId": "us-east-1:b3bxxxx-xxxx-45c7-xxxx-9xxxxxxxx"
"lex": {
"botName": "DataBot",
"initialText": "You can ask me for help rendering a file. Just type \"Render File\" or click on the mic and say it.",
"initialSpeechInstruction": "Say 'Render a file' to get started."
"polly": {
"voiceId": "Salli"
"ui": {
"parentOrigin": "",
"toolbarTitle": "File Processor"
"recorder": {
"preset": "speech_recognition"
Checkout the browser console for any errors. It helped me while I was trying this one out. Here are some of the things that I experienced before I was able to try this out locally:
IAM permissions should be properly set such as cognito pools should have access to the Lex or that Polly should be able to access Lex. Federated identities versus User Pools - I had to use Federated Identity pool.