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Using fragments with NativeActivity

I have a fully working C++/OpenGL engine that I ported over to Android using their supplied NativeActivity. But I'm now tasked with integrating it to an older project which was 100% Java, with plenty of Fragments.

My question is simple : Is it possible to show/use a Fragment over a NativeActivity?

Note: I'm using a custom Java class that derives from NativeActivity to be able to catch some events that are not available to the the C++ layer. So the proposed solution can be either in Java or C++.

I have tried sample code from various source to show the fragment from Java :

public class CustomNativeActivity extends NativeActivity
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void startFragment() {
        TestNativeFragment fragment = new TestNativeFragment();
        getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();

No crash, no message in the console after the fragment transaction. Just my OpenGL but no signs of my fragment.

Thanks for any help!


  • Since this project is highly reliant on Java and Fragments, I decided to ditch the NativeActivity approach and instead add a GLSurfaceView in my layout file, and from there, call in the c++ engine's functions via JNI. If anyone is interested in the code please let me know. Thanks for the suggestions.