Trying to write part of the python code in Maya to extract the face from object then move it and rotate it. I tried parameters of polyChipOff itself, tried xform and move and rotate functions. Problem is the same. If rotation is after translation face rotates against the previous position not the current one.
Am I understand some concepts completely wrong?
Code below shows the problem. Simply create a pCube and start the script. From my perspective this code should move face away and then rotate around itself many times. Instead it rotates in a circle with a center in where the face was before move command.
from maya import cmds
face1 = 'pCube1.f[1]'
cmds.move(2, 2, 0, r=True, os=True, dph=True)
cmds.rotate(0,0,10, a=True, os=True, dph=True)
for i in range (35):
cmds.rotate(0,0,10, a=True, os=True, dph=True)
In your example, the face is rotated not around its previous position but around the object pivot (you can try to move the object pivot before executing your script and see the rotation center changes).
If you want another pivot you'll need to specify it as an argument. I am not sure what center you want to rotate the faces around so I've just specified (2, 2, 0):
from maya import cmds
face1 = 'pCube1.f[1]'
cmds.move(2, 2, 0, relative=True, objectSpace=True)
rotation_pivot = [2, 2, 0]
cmds.rotate(0, 0, 10, relative=True, pivot=rotation_pivot)
for i in range (35):
cmds.rotate(0, 0, 10, relative=True, pivot=rotation_pivot)
Update: If you need to rotate faces around their own center then it's just componentSpace=True as you've mentioned. So the code looks like this:
from maya import cmds
face1 = 'pCube1.f[1]'
cmds.move(2, 2, 0, relative=True, objectSpace=True)
cmds.rotate(0, 0, 10, relative=True, componentSpace=True)
for i in range (35):
cmds.rotate(0, 0, 10, relative=True, componentSpace=True)