I have a small (formerly) ruby blockchain script I'm trying to convert over into Crystal, that looks like this so far:
# build your own blockchain from scratch in crystal!
# to run use:
# $ crystal ./blockchain_with_proof_of_work.cr
require "openssl" # for hash checksum digest function SHA256
class Block
getter index : Int32
getter timestamp : Time
getter data : String
getter previous_hash : String
getter nonce : Int32 # # proof of work if hash starts with leading zeros (00)
getter hash : String
def initialize(index, data, previous_hash)
@index = index
@timestamp = Time.now
@data = data
@previous_hash = previous_hash
@nonce, @hash = compute_hash_with_proof_of_work
def compute_hash_with_proof_of_work(difficulty = "00")
nonce = 0
loop do
hash = calc_hash_with_nonce(nonce)
if hash.starts_with?(difficulty)
return [nonce, hash] # # bingo! proof of work if hash starts with leading zeros (00)
nonce += 1 # # keep trying (and trying and trying)
def calc_hash_with_nonce(nonce = 0)
sha = OpenSSL::Digest.new("SHA256")
sha.update(nonce.to_s + @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash)
def self.first(data = "Genesis") # create genesis (big bang! first) block
# # uses index zero (0) and arbitrary previous_hash ("0")
Block.new(0, data, "0")
def self.next(previous, data = "Transaction Data...")
Block.new(previous.index + 1, data, previous.hash)
end # class Block
# # let's get started
# # build a blockchain a block at a time
b0 = Block.first("Genesis")
b1 = Block.next(b0, "Transaction Data...")
b2 = Block.next(b1, "Transaction Data......")
b3 = Block.next(b2, "More Transaction Data...")
blockchain = [b0, b1, b2, b3]
puts blockchain
# will print something like:
# [#<Block:0x1e204f0
# @data="Genesis",
# @hash="00b8e77e27378f9aa0afbcea3a2882bb62f6663771dee053364beb1887e18bcf",
# @index=0,
# @nonce=242,
# @previous_hash="0",
# @timestamp=2017-09-20 20:13:38 +0200>,
# #<Block:0x1e56e20
# @data="Transaction Data...",
# @hash="00aae8d2e9387e13c71b33f8cd205d336ac250d2828011f5970062912985a9af",
# @index=1,
# @nonce=46,
# @previous_hash=
# "00b8e77e27378f9aa0afbcea3a2882bb62f6663771dee053364beb1887e18bcf",
# @timestamp=2017-09-20 20:13:38 +0200>,
# #<Block:0x1e2bd58
# @data="Transaction Data......",
# @hash="00ea45e0f4683c3bec4364f349ee2b6816be0c9fd95cfd5ffcc6ed572c62f190",
# @index=2,
# @nonce=350,
# @previous_hash=
# "00aae8d2e9387e13c71b33f8cd205d336ac250d2828011f5970062912985a9af",
# @timestamp=2017-09-20 20:13:38 +0200>,
# #<Block:0x1fa8338
# @data="More Transaction Data...",
# @hash="00436f0fca677652963e904ce4c624606a255946b921132d5b1f70f7d86c4ab8",
# @index=3,
# @nonce=59,
# @previous_hash=
# "00ea45e0f4683c3bec4364f349ee2b6816be0c9fd95cfd5ffcc6ed572c62f190",
# @timestamp=2017-09-20 20:13:38 +0200>]
However when I run it I get an error that states:
Error in blockchain.cr/blockchain_with_proof_of_work.cr:57: instantiating
b0 = Block.first("Genesis")
in blockchain.cr/blockchain_with_proof_of_work.cr:45: instantiating
'Block:Class#new(Int32, String, String)'
Block.new(0, data, "0")
in blockchain.cr/blockchain_with_proof_of_work.cr:22: instance variable
'@nonce' of Block must be Int32, not (Int32 | String)
@nonce, @hash = compute_hash_with_proof_of_work
Looking at Crystal docs on multiple assignment, I'm unsure of how I can refactor this method so that it doesn't fail Crystal's automatic static type checking and type inference? The method in question, of an array of two types being returned, doesn't seem covered by the docs:
@nonce, @hash = compute_hash_with_proof_of_work # return [nonce, hash]
When decomposing an Array into a multiple assignment Crystal can't infer the exact type of each element. So the value assigned to the instance variable @nonce
could be either Int32
or String
. You should use a Tuple instead: return {nonce, hash}
(in line 29). A tuple has positional type declarations and is by the way more performant than an Array because it does not allocate memory on the heap.