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In WinSCP can you use the * for upload path in filemask

I am trying to set the WinSCP filemask so that any file in a local directory is uploaded to a remote directory on a file by file basis, without including the local directory name, itself, in the remote directory. The following works:

TransferOperationResult tR;
tR = session.PutFiles(_localPath + "*", _remotePath);

but I'd like to use a filemask instead of the + "*".

// Upload files
TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
transferOptions.FileMask = "*";

TransferOperationResult tR;
tR = session.PutFiles(_localPath, _remotePath, false, transferOptions);

Is that possible? With either * or *.* filemask then the _localPath uploads all files in the directory but includes the local directory name in the remote directory as well. I checked WinSCP filemask and TransferOptions but I didn't see an easy way...


  • Keep _localPath + "*" and set TransferOptions.FileMask on top of that.

    Or even better, use RemotePath.Combine.

    TransferOptions transferOptions = new TransferOptions();
    // a sample filemask, so that it makes a sense to set the FileMask 
    transferOptions.FileMask = "*>1H"; 
    string sourcePath = RemotePath.Combine(_localPath, "*");
    TransferOperationResult tR;
    tR = session.PutFiles(sourcePath, _remotePath, false, transferOptions);

    See a documentation of the localPath parameter:

    Full path to local file or directory to upload. Filename in the path can be replaced with Windows wildcard to select multiple files. To upload all files in a directory, use mask *.

    So a value of the parameter must be /foo/bar/*.

    The TransferOptions.FileMask is an additional filter on top of the wildcard in localPath parameter.