Having the following regex tested on https://regex101.com/r/Q6lTN8/1
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<name>\\b\\w+\\b)\\s*=\\s*(?<value>\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'+)");
with this input text
id='1019' name='Beer' color='#e7c705'
Works well on Android versions > 6.0, but produces the following crash on Android 5.1
Process: pro.kleinod.socialapp, PID: 19517
java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Syntax error in regexp pattern near index 4:
What could be the problem?
Capture groups using .*?
instead of with <name>
or <value>
, This way, you will avoid PatternSyntaxException
String regex = "(.*?\\b\\w+\\b)\\s*=\\s*(.*?\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'+)";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("id='1019' name='Beer' color='#e7c705'");
while(matcher.find()) {
Log.e("TAG", matcher.group());
Tested and working fine on Android 5.1.