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Can Matlab write a macro in an Excel file via ActiveX?

There are several posts and instructions how to run Excel macros with Matlab via ActiveX. But is it possible to write such a macro with Matlab into an Excel file?

Background: I wrote a Matlab tool which exports data into Excel files. These Excel files should have a specific macro included which is dependend on the containing data.

Well there is an ugly workaround: I can create Excel templates with the specific macro already included. Then the respective template is copied and filled with the export data. But maybe there is a better and more flexible solution to this problem...


  • Once you have allowed programmatical access to the VBA Project, I would suggest to write your macro to a text file (*.txt or *.bas) and then run the command that would import this text file has a VBA code module. For example:

    DataFileName = 'D:\Test\DataFile.xlsm';
    CodeFileName = 'D:\Test\CodeFile.txt';
    Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
    Workbooks = Excel.Workbooks;
    % Make Excel visible (Optional)
    Excel.visible = 1;
    %% Import the code
    %% Save
    Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = 0; %Avoid overwrite warning
    Excel.Application.DisplayAlerts = 1;
    %% Close Excel

    In this case, CodeFile.txt could look like this:

    Attribute VB_Name = "ModuleName"
    Option Explicit
    Sub SomeMacro()
        Msgbox "From MATLAB, with love..."
    End Sub

    Here, the line Attribute VB_Name = ... is essential and will determine the name of the module. For Option Explicit, it is not mandatory, but it's good practice.