I created a droplet which would allow me to rename files from an input box.
on adding folder items to este_folder after receiving este_file
display dialog "what's their name?" default answer ""
set text_returned to text returned of the result & ".jpg"
display dialog text_returned
tell application "Finder"
set the name of file este_file to text_returned
end tell
end adding folder items to
It works fine, but it creates a loop where I have to hit cancel again to stop the script, as it thinks a new file has been added. I would like to just rename it once; and then not have the second dialog box pop up again. I have tried rerouting the file to another folder:
on adding folder items to este_folder after receiving este_file
display dialog "what's their name?" default answer ""
set text_returned to text returned of the result & ".jpg"
display dialog text_returned
tell application "Finder"
set the name of file este_file to text_returned
end tell
repeat with anItem in este_file
tell application "Finder"
set destFolder to "Macintosh HD:Users:maxwellanderson:Desktop:BetterinTexas" as alias
move anItem to folder destFolder
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
But that doesn't work either-it doesn't process the renaming portion of the script. Any suggestions on what I should do to get rid of the second dialog box?
The script is being called twice because renaming the file within the watched folder is—for all intents and purposes—like adding a new file into the folder. Therefore, it's called once when the file is actually added; and called a second time when it's renamed.
Moving the file as you suggested will work, but you have to move the file before you rename it. Therefore, shove the code that moves the file near the top of the script, then the renaming bits at the bottom.
As a side-note, I notice you have a repeat with
loop to handle multiple file moves, but only one statement that handles a single file renaming. One of these is not like the other. If this watched folder received multiple files at the same time, it would most likely rename them all to the same name, thus potentially over-writing multiple files. If the watched folder only ever receives one file at a time, anyway, then the repeat with
loop is redundant.
This code is modelled on yours and will handle a single file move-and-rename (but not a group of files—or, more accurately, as I stated above, it would rename multiple files to the same name, thus overwriting all but the last one in the list):
on adding folder items to este_folder after receiving este_file
set destFolder to POSIX file "/Users/maxwellanderson/Desktop/BetterinTexas" as alias
set text_returned to text returned of ¬
(display dialog "what's their name?" default answer "") ¬
& ".jpg"
display dialog text_returned
tell application "Finder" to ¬
set the name of ¬
(move file este_file to destFolder) ¬
to text_returned
end adding folder items to
If you need it to handle multiple files, then you can wrap everything from set text_returned
to to text_returned
in a repeat with
loop as you've done in your second code block. This will sequentially bring up dialog boxes—one per file—and move/rename the files accordingly.
If you have any questions, or need clarification, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.