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What does this C# code with an "arrow" (=>, an equal sign and greater than sign) mean and how is it called?

I was trying to enable SSL in my C# client program and found the following code in this answer:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
    (se, cert, chain, sslerror) =>
        return true;

I added the code to my program and it solved the problem, but I completely don't get how exactly it works.

The left part System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback is some callback and += modifies that callback. But what does the remaining construct mean? I spent 20 minutes searching to at least find how it is properly called and where I can find more info on how to read that, but all in vain. I suppose it is somehow related to LINQ and searched for "LINQ arrow", but didn't find anything reasonable.

How is that (blah,blah,blah)=>{return true;} construct called and where can I find more info on such constructs?


  • That is a lambda expression. It is a very special anonymous delegate. Basically you are defining a method and not giving a name. Its parameters are to the left of the => and the method body is to the right of the =>. In your particular case,

    (se, cert, chain, sslerror) => { return true; };

    is an anonymous method defined by a lambda expression. This particular method has four parameters

    object se
    X509Certificate cert
    X509Chain chain
    SslPolicyErrors sslerror

    and the method body is

    return true;

    It's as if you had said

    class ServerCertificateValidation {
        public bool OnRemoteCertificateValidation(
            object se,
            X509Certificate cert,
            X509Chain chain,
            SslPolicyErrors sslerror
        ) {
            return true;

    and then

    var validation = new ServerCertificateValidation();
    System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=

    How is that (blah,blah,blah)=>{return true;} construct called and where can I find more info on such constructs?

    It's called the same way that any other method is called. For example, you can do this:

    Func<int, int, int> adder = (m, n) => m + n;

    Here I am defining a method that eats a pair of int and returns an int. That int is obtained by adding the values of the input parameters. It can be invoked like any other method.

    int four = adder(2, 2); 

    Here's an article on MSDN on lambda expressions and an article on the lambda operator. If you're really interested, the name comes from lambda calculus.