I am working with Django 1.11.5 and logging-in and validating users via Social Auth.
The user authentication, log-in and logoff are working as expected in 12/13 of my templates. All my templates extend my navbar and footer base.html template.
In 'base.html' I have the following code for the navbar:
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<li class="nav-item">
<span class="nav-link" id="user-name">{{ request.user.username }}</span>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="{% url 'logout' %}">Logoff</a>
{% else %}
<li class="nav-item log-in-link">
<a class="btn btn-primary nav-link log-in" href="{% url 'social:begin' 'google-oauth2' %}"><span>Log-In <i class="fa fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></a>
{% endif %}
Now, this navbar code works properly in 12/13 of my templates. It is only for 1 template/view/URL where the user is not authenticated.
I have tried debugging by printing out the user name and information in the template giving me errors but it looks like the user is getting logged out when reaching that template via its URL and view.
I am totally lost.
Could someone point out things I can check/do to debug and locate the source of this logoff error? I can provide the relevant code if needed.
views.py code
def details_request(request, request_data_ID):
data_request_object = DatasetRequest.objects.get(pk=request_data_ID)
user_ID = data_request_object.user.username
has_attributes = False
request_data_attrs = []
if len(data_request_object.attr_names) > 0:
if len(data_request_object.attr_names['names']) > 0:
has_attributes = True
for idx, attr_names in enumerate(data_request_object.attr_names['names']):
data_request_detail_template = {
'dataset_request_title': data_request_object.dataset_title,
'dataset_request_description': data_request_object.dataset_description,
'dataset_votes': data_request_object.dataset_votes,
'dataset_date': data_request_object.created_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
'request_data_ID': request_data_ID,
'has_attributes': has_attributes,
'request_attrs': request_data_attrs,
'user': user_ID,
'is_completed': data_request_object.is_completed
data_comment_object = Comments.objects.filter(request_dataset_FK=data_request_object).order_by("-comment_votes")
if len(data_comment_object) > 0:
comment_list = []
for comment_object in data_comment_object:
if comment_object.isComment:
comment_list.append([comment_object.comment, comment_object.created_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), comment_object.comment_votes, comment_object.pk, comment_object.user.username])
data_request_detail_template['comments'] = comment_list
return render(request, "detail_requests.html", data_request_detail_template)
You are specifying:
user_ID = data_request_object.user.username
and put it into context under user
In template you have {% if user.is_authenticated %} which means that you are trying to access missing attribute is_authenticated
of user.username
which always evaluates to False.