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BNF grammar that generates language L

I spend a lot of time but still can't understand how to solve this. I have the answer. Can you tell me how he come up with it?

Is there a specific rules or standard construct I can follow? I know the rules for union and concatenation but not when it's reversed.

BNF grammar with no ambiguity

This is the solution, but I don't understand how he comes up with it. Is there a specific rules I can follow when writing such grammar?


  • If x is a (possibly improper) substring of y, then x^r c y can be written as x^R c wxz where w and z are arbitrary strings over (a+b)*.

    Now we can try to "slice" the strings in this language to see how they can be generated by CFGs. The non-regular part of this is making sure that x^R and x come out right; the rest is trivial. So we need some rules like:

    S -> aXa | bYb | c

    This gives us x^R c x. We are missing the w and the z. The w we can add by letting any arbitrary string come after c:

    S -> aSa | bSb | cA
    A -> aA | bA | e

    The z we can get by changing S to T and adding a new S that produces T followed by anything:

    S -> TA
    T -> aTa | bTb | cA
    A -> aA | bA | e

    All we neglected to ensure was that |x| > 1. We do that by changing T -> cA to two productions T -> acAa | bcAb. This yields the suggested grammar (Not the only right one, just one grammar that works) and explains how we got there.