My designer for our Xamarin Forms app specified Small Caps for a label field. There are several discussions on how to do this in Xamarin for Android, but I can't find anything for iOS.
I know I will need a custom renderer and have found a good discussion here, but am being challenged in converting the Swift code in that article to C# for Xamarin iOS.
Here's that code:
let systemFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 24.0, weight: UIFontWeightLight)
let smallCapsDesc = systemFont.fontDescriptor.addingAttributes([
UIFontDescriptorFeatureSettingsAttribute: [
UIFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey: kUpperCaseType,
UIFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey: kUpperCaseSmallCapsSelector
let font = UIFont(descriptor: smallCapsDesc, size: systemFont.pointSize)
I know that I will put something into my OnElementChanged method, but the FontDescriptor does not have an addingAttributes method or an Attributes collection, so am challenged in adding additional properties.
the FontDescriptor does not have an addingAttributes method or an Attributes collection
You are looking for the UIFont.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes
var systemFont = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(24, UIFontWeight.Light);
var attributes = new UIFontAttributes(
new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureUpperCase.Selector.UpperCaseSmallCaps),
new UIFontFeature(CTFontFeatureLowerCase.Selector.LowerCaseSmallCaps)
var smallCapsDesc = systemFont.FontDescriptor.CreateWithAttributes(attributes);
var font = UIFont.FromDescriptor(smallCapsDesc, systemFont.PointSize);