I want to create aws kinesis data analytics in cloudformation and I do want to add destination as lambda. As the following link suggests:
aws kinesis data analytics cfn
I can add destionation as follows:
Type: "AWS::KinesisAnalytics::ApplicationOutput"
DependsOn: BasicApplication
ApplicationName: !Ref BasicApplication
Name: "exampleOutput"
RecordFormatType: "CSV"
ResourceARN: !GetAtt OutputKinesisStream.Arn
RoleARN: !GetAtt KinesisAnalyticsRole.Arn
Which I am ok with that and works fine. But this is set to another stream as destination. However I want lambda as destination and I do not know even if cloudformation support it or not. Can anyone shed light on this?
I noticed it is not supported to directly connect analytics to lambda via cloud-formation so the way to fix it is to use another stream as an brifge