I found one article about time series predicting using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) in Tensorflow.
In that article the test set is the last 20 values and the model predicts y_pred
also for the last 20 values of the dataset and then calculates MSE of y_test
and y_pred
How can I extend the model to receive the prediction for next periods in the future (actual forecasting)?
In first step you should use real values. Then using predict value to replace last value as you want. Hope the following code could help you.
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, './model_saved')
preds = []
X_batch = last_n_steps_value
X_batch = X_batch.reshape(-1, n_steps, 1)
for i in range(number_you_want_to_predict):
pred = sess.run(outputs, feed_dict={X: X_batch})
X_batch = X_batch[:, 1:]
# Using predict value to replace real value
X_batch = np.append(X_batch, pred[:, -1])
X_batch = X_batch.reshape(-1, n_steps, 1)