I have a Git project that runs with sbt 1.0.
I wanted to publish it with jitpack.io. But I get the following error:
Downloading sbt launcher for 1.0.2:
From http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/ivy-releases/org.scala-sbt/sbt-launch/1.0.2/sbt-launch.jar
To /home/jitpack/.sbt/launchers/1.0.2/sbt-launch.jar
Download failed. Obtain the jar manually and place it at /home/jitpack/.sbt/launchers/1.0.2/sbt-launch.jar
is a directory from jitpack.
Is there something that I can do in my project to make this work?
.A workaround can be found here: https://github.com/jitpack/jitpack.io/issues/1887
You need create ".jitpack.yml" file and fill it with:
# workaround for https://github.com/jitpack/jitpack.io/issues/1887
- oraclejdk8
- wget http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/scala-sbt/sbt-launch/1.1.0/sbt-launch-1.1.0.jar
- java -jar sbt-launch-1.1.0.jar publishM2
Its worked for me