I have a pandas series with two indices:
yearID teamID
1985 ATL 14807000
BAL 11560712
BOS 10897560
CAL 14427894
CHA 9846178
I want to convert int into a pandas data frame like
yearID teamID Salary
1985 ATL 14807000
1985 BAL 11560712
1985 BOS 10897560
1985 CAL 14427894
1985 CHA 9846178
I tired to use:
but I got the following error:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 df_new=df_agg.reset_index(inplace=True)
C:\Users\ameimand\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\series.py in reset_index(self, level, drop, name, inplace) 966
967 elif inplace:
--> 968 raise TypeError('Cannot reset_index inplace on a Series '
969 'to create a DataFrame')
970 else:
TypeError: Cannot reset_index inplace on a Series to create a DataFrame
I think there are 2 nice solutions parameter as_index=False
df_new = df.groupby(['yearID','teamID'], as_index=False)['Salary'].sum()
Or reset_index
without inplace=True
df_new = df.groupby(['yearID','teamID'])['Salary'].sum().reset_index()
Better is specify column for aggregation after groupby
in []
like ['Salary']
df.groupby(['yearID','teamID'], as_index=False)['Salary']
because this aggregate all columns and then select only Salary