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How to get Index of selected Item in ion-select

I am using <ion-select> for drop-down list and it working as expected but what I want here is Index of selected option from <ion-select>

I have used <ion-select> and change event like below:

<ion-select class="myCustomSelect" [(ngModel)]="selectedProductDD" interface="popover" (ionChange)="onSelectChange($event)">
    <ion-option *ngFor="let selectedProduct of productArray" [value] =>{{ }} </ion-option>

Change Event :

onSelectChange(selectedValue: any) {
   //Here I want Index also.
   //Currently I am getting selected Value.

let me know if any can help me on this!

Thanks in advance.


  • In your *ngFor you can also define a variable to receive que index

    <ion-select class="myCustomSelect" [(ngModel)]="selectedProductDD" interface="popover" (ionChange)="onSelectChange($event)">
      <!-- you can also have your index by declaring a variable in ngFor that'll receive the index -->
      <ion-option *ngFor="let selectedProduct of productArray; let i = index" [value] =>{{ }} </ion-option>

    The case here is that your declared index is inside your ion-select so it's not available for onSelectChange method. So declare a property in your .TS file

    public myIndex: number = 0;

    And every time a user select an option the property will receive the index

    <!-- on selecting an option your myIndex will receive the current selected option index -->
    <ion-option *ngFor="let selectedProduct of productArray; let i = index" [value] (ionSelect)="myIndex = i">{{ }}</ion-option>

    Then you can use it in your onSelectChange()

    onSelectChange(selectedValue: any) {
      let index = this.myIndex;

    There's another options but this is the most Angular way of doing this. Hope this helps.