I'm doing performance testing and using wrk for the first time. My goal is to send requests to different profile ids because I suspect the platform being tested caches same request so that response times improve. URL looks something like this:
Made a LUA script to randomize profile ids that looks like this:
request = function()
return wrk.format(nil, string.format("/cxs/profiles/%012d", math.random(100000000)))
and my wrk request looks like this:
wrk -t3 -c8 -d15m -H "Authorization: Basic a2FyYWY6a2FyYWY=" -s myScript.lua "http://some_url:some_port" --latency
Is there a way to be sure that wrk is really targeting different profile ids? Because the response time doesn't change a lot without the script
I've found out that adding math.randomseed(os.time())
, you make sure that the math.random()
function generates new random number every time.