I am currently working on a small test project with Ionic/Angular
Before I post the snippets: the problem I have is that I want to send value changes from inside a service (@Injectable)
to a component
to track it's changes. I have tried EventEmitter and OnChanges, but to no avail..
I have a progressbar that needs a certain value to advance in progress. This is the progressbar: TS:
import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'progressbar',
templateUrl: 'progressbar.html'
export class ProgressBarComponent {
@Input('progress') progress;
constructor() {}
<div class="progress-outer">
<div class="progress-inner" [style.width]="progress + '%'">
(credit to JoshMorony) The bar's width attribute is connected to the progress, thus enabling it to advance e.g. by percentage.
Now comes the problem:
I injected the progressbar into a normal component, but the calculation for the advancement happens in a different service, an Injectable. I am only able to send a single value, but not the advancement of the calculation and as such the bar itself:
showProgressBar: boolean;
// this variable must always have a value between 0 - 100
this.service.showProgressbar = true;
<progressbar [progress]="loadProgress"></progressbar>
What is done here is simply a call to trigger an event, that includes the logic for that progressBar. By setting service'sshowProgressbar to true, I am indirectly setting the pages showprogressbar to true as well.
Note: the boolean is not used yet
Service looks like this:
denominator: number = 0;
counter: number = 0;
showProgressbar = false;
result: number = 0;
calculateProgress() {
if (this.showProgressbar = true) {
let percentage = Math.round((this.counter / this.denominator) * 100);
this.result = percentage;
if (this.result == 100) {
setTimeout(this.showProgressbar = false, 500);
} else {
this.counter = 0;
this.denominator = 0;
this.result = 0;
I checked the calls, result here DOES calculate correctly, but it does not transfer to home.ts unfortunately. If I statically change result to a random number like 50 or so, it will indeed change the bar.
How can I make home.ts
"watch" the value of result constantly or in another way how do I implement the change detection for that result value here?
You can create an Observable of the service and subscribe in home.ts
Your service
//create a Subject
private percentSource:Subject<any>=new Subject<any>();
//create a Observable
calculateProgress() {
if (this.showProgressbar = true) {
//send a change of observable with next
this.percentSource.next(percentage); //return as result the percent
} else {
then, in your home you can subscribe to the observable in the function tiggerEven or in progressBar.component in the ngOnInit function
this.service.showProgressbar = true;
//takeWhile make you unsubscribe if condition is not successfully
//NOT put if you subscribe in your progressBar.component
.takeWhile(() =>this.progress!=100)